Entry date | September 24, 2002 12:00 +1GMT
| Last update | August 20, 2018 16:11 +1GMT
Allergome Code | 392
Name | Hev b 6.02 
Common Names | a392, Hevein, Hevein-like, k220, N-terminal Fragment
Biological Function | Chitin-binding Proteins, Class 1 Chitinase
Links to Molecule Sequences | Hev b 6.02 - P02877 - UNIPROT
Links to Molecule Structure | Hev b 6.02 - 1Q9B - PDB, Hev b 6.02 - 1T0W - PDB, Hev b 6.02 - 1WKX - PDB
Sources | |
Links to Source Taxonomy | Hev b - 3981 - NCBI, Hev b - 3981 - UniProt, Hev b - 506431 - ITIS, Hev b - Discover Life, Hev b - Wikipedia
Links to Source Images | Hevea brasiliensis on Google images | Tissues | Latex
Routes of Exposure | Contact_Skin, Inhalation
Epidemiology from Literature | Cohort | Year | Country | Test | Subjects | Positive (%) | Bibliography | 1.1 - Asymptomatic | 2009 | Belgium | IgE | 26 | 0.000 | 20091121, Ebo DG
| 3.2.1 - Source Sensitized (IgE) | 2009 | Belgium | IgE | 20 | 0.000 | 20091121, Ebo DG
| 3.2.1 - Source Sensitized (IgE) | 2009 | Italy | IgE | 7 | 1.420 | 20091030, Quercia O
| 4.1.2 - Heterologous Source Sensitized (Symptoms, SPT) | 2011 | China | IgE | 100 | 1.000 | 20111214, Zheng YW
| 5.2.1 - Source Exposed (Symptoms, SPT) | 2004 | Spain | SPT | 61 | 78.700 | | 5.3.1 - Source Exposed (Symptoms, IgE) | 2010 | Austria / Italy | IgE | 59 | 57.620 | 20101124, Radauer C
| 5.3.1 - Source Exposed (Symptoms, IgE) | 2009 | Belgium | IgE | 22 | 81.820 | 20091121, Ebo DG
| 5.3.1 - Source Exposed (Symptoms, IgE) | 1996 | Finland | IgE | 43 | 56.000 | | 5.3.1 - Source Exposed (Symptoms, IgE) | 2010 | Germany | IgE | 52 | 69.230 | 20100423, Ott H
| 5.3.1 - Source Exposed (Symptoms, IgE) | 2008 | Portugal | IgE | 5 | 100.000 | 20080904, Rodrigues Alves R
| 5.4.1 - Source Exposed (Symptoms, SPT, IgE) | 2013 | Brazil | IgE | 11 | 72.720 | 20130429, Bueno de Sa A
| 5.4.1 - Source Exposed (Symptoms, SPT, IgE) | 1998 | Finland | IgE | 42 | 61.900 | | 5.4.1 - Source Exposed (Symptoms, SPT, IgE) | 2012 | France | IgE | 97 | 69.000 | 20120706, Garnier L
| 5.4.1 - Source Exposed (Symptoms, SPT, IgE) | 1998 | Germany | IgE | 118 | 77.100 | | 5.4.1 - Source Exposed (Symptoms, SPT, IgE) | 1998 | Germany | IgE | 78 | 24.300 | | 5.4.1 - Source Exposed (Symptoms, SPT, IgE) | 2010 | Italy / Austria / Switzerland / Netherlands | IgE | 101 | 29.700 | 20101118, Bublin M
| 5.4.1 - Source Exposed (Symptoms, SPT, IgE) | 2010 | Italy / Austria / Switzerland / Netherlands | IgE | 48 | 25.000 | 20101118, Bublin M
| 5.4.1 - Source Exposed (Symptoms, SPT, IgE) | 2009 | Japan | IgE | 14 | 100.000 | 20090520, Yagami A
| 5.4.1 - Source Exposed (Symptoms, SPT, IgE) | 2006 | Spain | IgE | 23 | 65.200 | 20060324, Sanz ML
| 5.4.1 - Source Exposed (Symptoms, SPT, IgE) | 2009 | Japan | SPT | 14 | 100.000 | 20090520, Yagami A
| ... complete "Epidemiology from Literature" listing -> |
| References | Biochemistry / Structure / Function 2013: 20130731, DallAntonia F
- 20130507, Peixinho CM
2010: 20101124, Radauer C
- 20100315, DAmato A
2008: 20081112, Montoro P
- 20081020, Pedraza-Escalona M
- 20080822, Marchetti-Deschmann M
2006: 20060424, Reyes-Lopez CA
- 20060403, Chan SL
2004: 20040208, Karisola P
- 20040120, Reyes-Lopez CA
2003: 20031116, Diaz-Perales A
2002: 2002b, Diaz-Perales A
- 2002, ORiordain G
- 2002, Karisola P
2000: 2000, Hanninen AR
1998: 1998, Mikkola JH
- 1998, Chen Z
- 1998, Chen HD
1997: 1997a, Posch A
... complete Reference listing ->
Molecular Biology 2010: 20101124, Radauer C
2009: 20090811, Roesler E
2008: 20081112, Montoro P
2004: 20041023, Drew AC
- 20040611, Raulf-Heimsoth M
- 20040208, Karisola P
2002: 2002, Karisola P
Immunochemistry / Allergenicity 2014: 20140324, Gabriel MF
2013: 20130507, Peixinho CM
2010: 20101124, Radauer C
- 20100906, Bains SN
- 20100315, DAmato A
2009: 20091120, Cabanillas B
2008: 20081020, Pedraza-Escalona M
2007: 20070309, Wagner S
2006: 20060424, Reyes-Lopez CA
2005: 20050507, Kespohl S
2004: 20041023, Drew AC
- 20040813, Hemmer W
- 20040611, Raulf-Heimsoth M
- 20040208, Venturini M
- 20040208, Karisola P
- 20040120, Reyes-Lopez CA
2003: 20031116, Diaz-Perales A
2002: 2002, ORiordain G
- 2002, Karisola P
- 2002, Chardin H
... complete Reference listing ->
Immune-mechanisms / Genetics 2004: 20041113, Blanco C
- 20041023, Drew AC
- 20040611, Raulf-Heimsoth M
2002: 2002, Rihs HP
1997: 1997, Rihs HP
Detection - Indoor Environment 2014: 20140226, Sanguanchaiyakrit N
2012: 20120420, Harris-Roberts J
2010: 20100112, Brunetto B
Detection - Source Extracts, Food Products, Drug Preparations 2013: 20130507, Peixinho CM
2011: 20111024, Gonzalo-Ganjo MA
- 20111004, Peixinho CM
2010: 20100115, Mabe DO
2009: 20090520, Yagami A
2008: 20080822, Marchetti-Deschmann M
- 20080208, Medeiros S
2007: 20070615, Palosuo T
- 20070309, Wagner S
2006: 20061025, Peixinho C
- 20060418, Susini G
- 20060209, Crippa M
2005: 20051018, Koh D
- 20050331, Tomazic-Jezic VJ
2004: 20040611, Koch P
- 20040410, Knudsen BB
2002: 2002, Kujala V
2000: 2000, Chardin H
Detection - Allergy Diagnostic and Immunotherapeutic Products 2014: 20140324, Gabriel MF
2006: 20061115, Nettis E
Epidemiology 2012: 20121220, Pomponi D
2011: 20111214, Zheng YW
- 20111014, Galindo MJ
2010: 20101124, Radauer C
1998: 1998, Ylitalo L
Diagnosis 2014: 20140324, Gabriel MF
- 20140214, Doyen V
2013: 20131206, Seyfarth F
- 20130819, Bansal AS
- 20130710, Sa AB
- 20130624, Rodriguez Trabado A
- 20130429, Bueno de Sa A
2012: 20121220, Pomponi D
- 20121030, Romano A
- 20121004, Bonini M
- 20120706, Garnier L
- 20120616, Nucera E
- 20120615, Santos-Magadan S
- 20120601, Nettis E
- 20120404, Singh T
- 20120402, Lasa Luaces EM
2011: 20111014, Galindo MJ
- 20110126, Sano A
2010: 20101124, Radauer C
- 20101118, Bublin M
... complete Reference listing ->
Experimental Model - Allergic Immune Response 2009: 20090811, Roesler E
Review, Editorial, Report Citations, Other Resources 2014: 20141105, Siracusa A
- 20140403, Sinha M
- 20140219, Quirce S
2013: 20131004, Canonica GW
- 20130927, Sastre J
2012: 20121015, Cabanes N
- 20120730, Nettis E
2011: 20110709, Cabrera Pivaral CE
- 20110212, Barre A
2010: 20100927, Heitz JW
- 20100604, De Knop KJ
- 20100521, Cingi S
- 20100504, Zgorzelska-Kowalik J
2008: 20081002, Nowak-Wegrzyn A
- 20080802, Hofmann A
- 20080521, Rolland JM
- 20080416, Ebo DG
- 20080128, Bhalla PL
2007: 20070210, Santos S
- 20070205, Raulf-Heimsoth M
... complete Reference listing -> |